Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Mole by Any Other Name

What's that on my neck?

I've had skin tags for as long as I can remember. When I was about 45, I started to get red spots too. Today, a black mole appeared on my neck where nothing had been yesterday.

Quick, to the bat cave. Google it. Black mole.

WebMD: Melanoma can take the form of dark colored, flat, irregular moles.

Is it flat?

Wait, there was a mark on my leg the other day. I thought it was a bruise.

Oh no! I shouldn't have joked when my daughter asked what the mole on my stomach was when we were sharing a room in NYC the other night. I laughed and said it was a tick that had to fall off by itself and I keep forgetting to put Vaseline on it. Her horrified look made me laugh and shift gears, "Rach, it's just a mole."

But now "just a mole" is not so funny. Because there's a new, black mole on my neck.

Is it flat? No. Its very rough. What does WebMD say about a new, black, rough mole?

Suddenly a series of doctor visits and procedures flash before my eyes.

What is that on my finger? What? The mole fell off! Am I bleeding? Oh this isn't good.

Wait, it's not a mole, is it? No, it's...just...a piece of something black.

Something that blew off the road while I was driving the convertible this morning.

It's going to be a very different day.

Perspective, what a concept.

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