In no particular order, this is what’s popped into my mind
over the last few hours. I leave it to
you, dear reader, to decide what, if anything, any of it means.
- I thought my toes would look better if I let the nails grow longer. They are the longest they’ve ever been and my feet are still ugly.
- It’s my sister’s birthday today. I remember being 5 years old and eating an apple, bragging to my friend Michele that I had a baby sister. I felt like I was putting on airs at the time, as if I were being filmed for posterity. I remember feeling that at the time, and perhaps it was my memory doing the filming because that is 1 of the 2 first memories I have of my amazing sister. The other is of seeing her in my mother’s arms through the windows between the hospital cafeteria and my mother’s hospital room. She was just a bundle in blankets, but she was my sister. And she still is. She loves me through all kinds of craziness—hers and mine—and our friendship grows stronger by the day. Who would have thought when I asked God to give me a sister that he’d give me a best friend too?
- What would happen if a meteor the size of the one that hit the moon the other day hit earth? Done thinking about that…moving right along…
- I bought some pens at Staples today because I like the feeling of writing by hand. Then I got writer’s cramp and started typing again.
- Why am I so fascinated by Paris? I have more postcards, stationery, phone cases, and assorted other images of the Eiffel Tower than anything else. I really loved Paris when I was there, but it’s as if the idea of Paris is stronger than my actually memory of Paris. As if my dream of what Paris is was untouched by actually having been there. Maybe I lived there in a past life? Or maybe the preponderance of Paris-related postcards, stationery, phone cases and assorted other images of the Eiffel Tower are available in such volume that they prompt thoughts of Paris and dreams of Paris at every turn. A Paris-22.
- I really am afraid of zombies. I feel I could reason with a vampire…and they seem to go for really pure or really evil people. I’m more towards the good end of the spectrum, but years beyond pure, so I think I could take my chances with a vampire and come out okay. Werewolves, they seem to go after people for revenge. I don’t know anyone who hates me that much (not counting my ex,) and even if there are a few haters out there (including my ex), I don’t think they’re werewolves, so again, I’m on safe ground, I think. But zombies are irrational and they scare me to no end. I’m terrified of being eaten by a shark or a bear, so I would put zombies in that category—I don’t think I could reason with a shark or a bear either. Maybe I should be more afraid of sharks or bears since they’re real, but I don’t know, zombies are just way scarier. Though the shark with the 14” dorsal that swam behind Marc in Florida was really scary. I still have a little residual PTS from that. And yet, zombies still win.
- Watched the Preakness yesterday. Guessed really badly on the winner, but did guess correctly that Orb wasn’t going to win. Also, I am now convinced I was a stable boy in one of my past lives. I have to go to someone who can verify this as it does explain a lot. A lot.
- I made salmon pate today following a recipe online. I am curious to see how well it goes over tonight. As with 95% of the items I serve my guests, they start with a recipe and end up an improv.
- Why do all the other women who get gel nails get 2+ weeks out of them and I get less than a week? Why do I peel the polish off? Why can’t I stop peeling until all 10 nails are once again naked, only to repeat the whole polishing process again each week?
- Wil has agreed to go to his senior prom (victory #1) and for me to throw him a graduation party (victory #2). I feel so much like Barbra Streisand’s character in “Guilt Trip.” Sweet movie. A must-see for every mother of a son.
- My daughter is having a blast in South Carolina with her friends. I’m so glad she headed down there after graduation. She deserves a little R&R after working so hard all semester. Can’t believe she’s now a senior in college. Where the heck does the time go?
- Had a nice chat with my brother today. Short call, but good to talk with him. I wish I could see him more. He has a good soul, good spirit. It just feels good to talk with him, even if we don't talk long or say a lot.
- I like my new haircut. It looks very much like my old haircut. There was a time when that would have been a bad thing. Now it means I made it through getting my haircut without having anything to stress about. Looks the same, just shorter. Cool.
- I am remarkably calm for someone who is going to be moving in 4 months. Remarkably calm. Remarkably calm. If I keep typing it maybe I will believe it. Remarkably calm. Remarkably calm.