I updated my MacBook Air to Lion the other day. I wanted to update my virus software and
upgrading was the only way to protect my Mac.
Today, I discovered that when I opened Day One, a journaling
tool, that all of my entries for the past year and a half are gone. It either happened when I upgraded to Lion or
when I updated Day One (and a number of other apps) after upgrading to Lion. Either way, it shouldn’t have happened.
I don’t take photos like other people do. I record what’s going on in my life through the feelings that I express through my writing. Some of that, like this blog post, go live to share.
Others, I keep to myself.
And that’s what I trusted Day One to do for me: to keep my thoughts and expressions as a
journal that lived on my MacBook Air.
But they’re all gone.
Day to day recordings of what I was feeling, how I
interacted with people, what I was concerned about, how things worked out. All gone. My only diary for the last year and half. Gone.
I know other people have suffered much greater losses, many
are experiencing them right now. This is just
a little thing in the grand scheme of things.
But it doesn’t mean that it’s nothing.
It’s a loss. A small
one. But a loss nonetheless.